Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Horney-Coolidge Tridimensional Inventory
Gender: Male Test Date: Aug 30, 2015
Patient Age: 28 Data Provided By: mother
Profile Validity
Answer Frequency (response pattern):
Raw Scores:
1 = Strongly False (SF) 8 32.8 (13.5)
2 = More False Than True (MF) 22 22.8 (9.4)
3 = More True Than False (MT) 20 11.3 (6.8)
4 = Strongly True (ST) 7 2.9 (3.8)
1. 2 7. 2 13. 3 19. 2 25. 2 31. 3 37. 1 43. 2 49. 2 55. 3
2. 3 8. 1 14. 2 20. 3 26. 3 32. 2 38. 3 44. 3 50. 2 56. 2
3. 4 9. 2 15. 1 21. 1 27. 4 33. 3 39. 3 45. 4 51. 1 57. 1
4. 3 10. 3 16. 4 22. 4 28. 1 34. 2 40. 3 46. 3 52. 2
5. 3 11. 3 17. 2 23. 2 29. 3 35. 4 41. 2 47. 1 53. 3
6. 2 12. 2 18. 3 24. 3 30. 2 36. 2 42. 2 48. 2 54. 4
Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Horney-Coolidge Tridimensional Inventory
Gender: Male Test Date: Aug 30, 2015
Patient Age: 28 Data Provided By: mother
Scale %tile TScore 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Compliance 29% 44
Altruism 48% 49
Need for Relationships 10% 37
Self-Abasement 49% 50
Aggression 62% 53
Malevolence 80% 59
Power 22% 42
Strength 63% 53
Detachment 90% 63
Need for Aloneness 88% 62
Avoidance 91% 63
Self-Sufficiency 25% 43
Patient Name: John Doe Test Name: Horney-Coolidge Tridimensional Inventory
Gender: Male Test Date: Aug 30, 2015
Patient Age: 28 Data Provided By: mother

mostly true10.He likes to help others.
mostly true13.He likes to give others his sympathy.
strongly true16.He is unselfish.
strongly true22.He is a generous person.
mostly true55.He believes that children should be taught to be kind and loving.
Need for Relationships
mostly true4.He feels better when he is in a relationship.
mostly true31.He cares what other people think about him.
mostly true40.He feels weak and helpless when he is alone.
mostly true46.He tends to feel it's his fault if something goes wrong.
mostly true4.He feels better when he is in a relationship.
mostly true29.He likes a good argument.
mostly true11.He believes only the strongest survive.
mostly true26.He tests himself in fearful situations in order to make himself stronger.
mostly true53.He believes that people's basic nature is aggressive.
Need for Aloneness
strongly true3.He prefers to be alone.
mostly true18.He would rather work, sleep, and eat alone.
mostly true24.He is a private person.
strongly true27.He avoids questions about his personal life.
mostly true33.He avoids long-term obligations.
mostly true39.He resents people trying to influence him.
strongly true54.He tries to avoid conflicts.
strongly true45.He could live fine without friends or family.