John Doe
Patient Age: 90
Test Name: The Short-Form of the Coolidge Axis II Inventory (SCATI)
Gender: Male
Test Date: Jun 24, 2015
Data Provided By: Self

Note: This is a Sample Report

Profile Validity - Answer Frequency (response pattern)
Raw Scores:
1 = Strongly False (SF) 10 32.8 (13.5)
2 = More False Than True (MF) 27 22.8 (9.4)
3 = More True Than False (MT) 21 11.3 (6.8)
4 = Strongly True (ST) 12 2.9 (3.8)
1. 1 8. 2 15. 2 22. 2 29. 4 36. 3 43. 2 50. 1 57. 3 64. 2
2. 2 9. 3 16. 2 23. 2 30. 4 37. 3 44. 2 51. 1 58. 3 65. 2
3. 3 10. 2 17. 2 24. 2 31. 4 38. 3 45. 2 52. 2 59. 3 66. 2
4. 4 11. 4 18. 2 25. 3 32. 3 39. 2 46. 2 53. 3 60. 3 67. 1
5. 3 12. 4 19. 2 26. 4 33. 2 40. 2 47. 4 54. 4 61. 3 68. 1
6. 3 13. 4 20. 2 27. 4 34. 1 41. 2 48. 1 55. 3 62. 3 69. 1
7. 3 14. 4 21. 2 28. 3 35. 2 42. 2 49. 1 56. 3 63. 3 70. 1
Scale %tile TScore
Sadistic 99% 80
Self-Defeating 99% 77
Schizoid 99% 73
Dependent 99% 72
Borderline 98% 69
Schizotypal 98% 69
Depressive 94% 66
Antisocial 93% 65
Avoidant 91% 63
Passive-Aggressive 73% 56
Paranoid 71% 55
Narcissistic 58% 52
Histrionic 46% 49
Obsessive-Compulsive 38% 47
strongly true 29.I am impulsive and/or I fail to plan ahead.
mostly true 57.People say that I am wild or reckless.
strongly true 30.I hold back in close relationships because I fear being shamed or ridiculed.
mostly true 58.I hold back when I meet new people because I feel unworthy.
mostly true 3.I am very afraid of being abandoned by someone.
strongly true 31.I wonder who I am much of the time.
mostly true 59.I have repeatedly made suicidal threats or gestures, or I have repeatedly hurt myself on purpose.
strongly true 4.I have trouble making everyday decisions.
mostly true 32.I have trouble disagreeing with others.
mostly true 60.I have done unpleasant or degrading things in order to get people to like me.
mostly true 5.I usually feel gloomy, unhappy, joyless, or cheerless.
strongly true 47.I worry a lot.
mostly true 61.I am negative, critical, or judgmental towards others.
strongly true 11.I have been cruel or violent to show I am in charge in a relationship.
mostly true 25.I would humiliate or put-down someone in public if I felt they deserved it.
mostly true 53.The suffering of humans or animals amuses me.
strongly true 12.I have chosen people or situations that have led to disappointment, failure, or mistreatment.
strongly true 26.I fail to accomplish tasks even when I have the ability.
strongly true 54.I have a tendency to get people angry or upset at me and then I feel terrible or humiliated about it.
strongly true 13.I tend to believe that things that happen in the world (like on TV) have a special meaning just for me.
strongly true 27.I am very superstitious, and/or I strongly believe in things like clairvoyance, mental telepathy, a sixth-sense, or extrasensory perception (ESP).
mostly true 55.People tell me I say weird or strange things that don't make sense.
strongly true 14.I neither desire nor enjoy close relationships including my family.
mostly true 28.I almost always prefer solitary (by myself) activities.
mostly true 56.I don't seem to find much pleasure in life.